Monday, August 25, 2008

Olympic Closing Thoughts

So now that the Olympics really are done, it's time to reflect, and think about what we witnessed the last two weeks. We saw medal records broken (Michael Phelps), event world records smashed (almost every swimming event), age controversies (China's gymnasts), and our fair share of gloating (Usain Bolt in the 100 m dash). Even through all of those things, I believe that what we will remember from these games, isn't any of the above. What I believe will be remembered for the longest is how much China grew as a nation. They used to be a communist nation, poor and in disrepair, but proved that when they all come together, they can do something special.
Of course, even 1.3 billion Chinese citizens who wanted this whole event to go flawlessly couldn't stop it's problems. From the attack on the US men's volleyball coach's family, to the pending IOC investigation of China's gymnasts, theses Games had their fair share of problems.
Now, all we have to look forward to Olympic-wise is Windy City in 2016!!!

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